
Enjoy Working Against Gravity's easy, healthy recipes to help you reach your body composition and performance goals while keeping food delicious.

Mocha Chia Oat Parfait
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Mocha Chia Oat Parfait

Protein: 9g | Carbs: 43g | Fat: 11g
Calories: 307

Both a macro-friendly dessert and a chocolatey breakfast, this mocha-inspired parfait is a cross between chocolate pudding and overnight oats. To bump up the protein, feel free to add a scoop of your favorite protein or collagen powder.

Recipe Caramel Mocha Protein Shake
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Caramel Mocha Protein Shake

Protein: 23g | Carbs: 35g | Fat: 4g
Calories: 268

When your post-workout drink gets boring, mix it up with our caramel mocha protein shake! Not only does this shake satisfy even the gnarliest of sugar cravings and give you a little caffeine boost, some hidden frozen cauliflower will help you hit your veggie and fiber quotient too!