
Enjoy Working Against Gravity's easy, healthy recipes to help you reach your body composition and performance goals while keeping food delicious.

Recipe Cottage Cheese Pancakes (1)
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Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Protein: 36g | Carbs: 50g | Fat: 15g
Calories: 479

High-protein pancakes made without protein powder? Yes, please. Made with just a handful of ingredients, these pancakes use low-fat cottage cheese to add a punch of protein. But don’t worry, they don’t taste like cottage cheese and all the curds are blended away, so even if you’re not a fan of cottage cheese, these pancakes will still hit the spot.

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Coach Nikki's Protein Pancakes

Protein: 52g | Carbs: 19g | Fat: 1g
Calories: 293

This week we’re going to start with a pretty basic protein pancake recipe that can be customized to fit everyone’s needs whether that’s lower carbohydrate or even gluten free.