

To be the best version of me by my wedding (6 months after joining). 13 lbs lost.


I am so thankful I joined team WAG over a year ago. At the time I joined it was a new years resolution to be the best version of me by my wedding in June. I am an officer in the Army and have always had a weight and fitness standard to maintain. I was working in a very demanding job that required a lot of traveling and I was doing the best I could but decided I needed some help to not only survive but thrive during the 6 months leading up to my wedding. With my coach, we set an early goal to really work on mindset. I wasn't as concerned about the weight on the scale, but we did set a goal to be under the Army's requirement by my weigh-in in April (honestly in the 16 years I'd been in the Army I'd NEVER met the weight requirement and always had to have my body fat measured which I always passed). I am happy to say that I not only made it in under the Army's weight and continue to not even have to worry about that anymore. Since joining WAG I've had countless victories not only on the scale but non-scale victories as well: went from pants/dress size 6/8 to size 2/4, learned how to make good food and workout choices while always traveling, got married, went on a honeymoon, moved across the country for work, both my husband and I went back to school and started new jobs, I achieved PRs on all of my lifts, 2 mile time, got 10x unbroken strict pullups, and countless PRs on hero WODs and bench mark WODs. But above all, the changes I made in mindset were my biggest take away from this last year. I learned how certain foods make me feel and that that food isn't good or bad. I learned to stop being so negative and hard on myself when it comes to how I look and/or the food choices I made. I learned what it was like to truly listen and TRUST my body when it told me what it needed. I am happy to say that today, while I'm 13 lbs lighter than when I started, my relationship with food, the scale, and working out are my biggest gains! I truly reached my goal of being the best version of me possible and it's an AMAZING feeling! :)