Rachel G.


My goal was to lose fat, improve relationship with food and most importantly to maintain both those things for the rest of my life.

I have steadily lost around 17 lbs and am currently maintaining as I don't want to lose or gain from this point forward.


Having been a life long daily exerciser - ranging from tennis to weights, yoga to badminton - I just wasn't seeing the physical results I believed I deserved. I knew the reason was food related but as a huge food lover, I couldn't bear the thought of being the bore who weighed food, worked out which macros she was devouring and so on - it was all overwhelming and pretty intimidating. Therefore, I couldn't seem to rid myself of the yo-yoing, self sabotage and bouts of deprivation which were inevitably followed by fridge raids!

I joined WAG to mainly improve my relationship with food which, in turn, would hopefully help everything else fall into place. At 51 I'm convinced that I know everything so, after joining WAG, initially I was frustrated that my macros weren't altering and I wasn't rattling through the A-Z of nutrition as quickly as I'd like but I'd committed to trusting my coach, listening and learning. So, slowly but surely, I began to recognise that I was able to eat most things I wanted, work out as I normally would (my coach is still helping me take a rest day), experience no deprivation or cravings and see some physical benefits: which I already assumed would be minimal at my age.

Five months later, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders (pun intended). No more denying myself foods, no guilt, no self sabotage, no punishment. The most important take away is that I actually like myself for the first time in my life which is THE best feeling. Who knew??! My only regret is that I didn't invest in this coaching 30 years ago, I would have saved myself, my mind and my poor body a lot of stress, heartache and confusion. I can't thank the WAG team enough.