

The original goals I wrote on my intake form: To lose body fat and perform better in the gym! Do a muscle up (main goal - I am also doing one on one skill class for this once a week). Improve chest-2-bar and T-2-B. Be able to wear a bikini again.


After having my daughter in October 2015, I had gotten back into the gym and just wasn't seeing the results that I wanted to, and after taking my original photos, I certainly wasn't looking my best. I love planning, structure and control - it's why I love CrossFit, and it's why I love WAG! For people with that kind of mindset, I think WAG could absolutely work for them. I started WAG in July 2016, and really wasn't sure about it. I had always thought that weighing and measuring your food was 'extreme' (yet nothing else was working for me). The first two weeks were tough! I had no idea what I was doing, or what macros were in the foods I was eating - but I love how much I have learnt about nutrition and fuelling my body.

My performance in the gym has exceeded my own expectations... I have achieved all of my performance based goals mentioned in my original intake form... I can now do ring and bar muscle ups, I have greatly improved my chest-2-bar pull ups, I can do toes-2-bar for days! All of my lifts have improved, and I can still back squat 100Kg, even though I'm down 10Kg! After being on WAG for six months, my husband also signed up and is having amazing results. We get a lot of inquiries from fellow gym members and friends about our 'secret' but there is no secret, it's just being consistent and not giving into the 'screw it' mentality. No, I'm not perfect all the time. Yes, I still drink wine - just not as much, and it's allocated! I can't say enough good things about WAG, I am so glad I signed up - it has changed both mine and my husbands lives for the better. I feel really confident going forward, that we can set a great example for our daughter as she grows up. My coach has been amazing. I can't thank her enough for her encouragement and support.