10 g
11 g
2 g
3 g
Serving Size
215 g
- 3 cups chopped curly parsley (80g)
- 6 cored Roma tomatoes (380g)
- 2 cups chopped cucumber (210g)
- 1/3 cup chopped mint (10g)
- 1 cup cooked rough bulgur wheat (180g)
- 1/4 c olive oil (57g)
- 3tbs lemon juice (56g)
- 1 clove garlic (6g)
- 2 scallions, chopped (18g)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp coriander

We've upgraded this traditional tabbouleh recipe with extra veggies to keep you full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Although there are a few ingredients in this recipe you may not have on hand in your pantry 24/7, they're easy to add to your grocery list and find at any traditional grocery store!
Feel free to throw this recipe together as instructed or adjust portions of oil, bulgur wheat, and veggies to further customize it to your macros.
How to Core Tomatoes:
Chop off each end and cut around the core and seeds so you're left with the outer fleshy shell. Plum tomatoes will also work for this recipe, but roma tomatoes are easier to core.
- To cook bulgur wheat, bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Remove from heat and add 1 cup of bulgur wheat. Cover and let soak for 20-30 minutes. Drain water, fluff, and add to bowl.
- Chop all veggies and herbs (parsley, cucumber, tomatoes, mint, scallions) and add to bowl
- Press garlic over veggies and add oil, lemon juice, salt, and coriander
- Mix and chill in the fridge until you're ready to eat
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