Alessandra Olmedolara


Balance was my main goal, a balance between family, nutrition, training, and self-esteem.


10 out of 10 I learned more than just counting macros. I learned about myself and becoming more aware of triggers, feelings, and attitudes that I had developed around food. Through WAG and Hillary's support, life became more then just my next weight lifting session, or if I hit my macros that day. I became more in touch with my family and started to evaluate what my priorities were. I started enjoying time more with family and friends instead of worrying about how many macros I was consuming because I had the tools I needed to both enjoy my time with my loved ones and still meet my goals.

During my time with WAG, many of my family members were displaced during the Thomas Fires and they were invited in my home. Fortunately, no homes were lost in our situation, but I learned to be flexible and to focus on what was more important at that time.

Additionally, as a nurse, I had some stressful days that would trigger me to binge eat. With the support of Hillary, I was able to do some self-reflection and create tools for myself that would help me deal with those triggers in more of an emotionally healthy way. WAG has taught me to forgive myself for not being 100% on track, to understand that my progress isn't only measured by the number on the scale or the newest PR. Instead, life is all about what we choose to make of it.

I didn't walk away from WAG with a six pack or a 145 pounds snatch, but I walked away with a clear understanding of who I am now and the person I wish to become. I will take the longevity of those lessons over a six-pack any day.

In 4-5 months I cut from 150 to 141 pounds then maintained it.