Jaala Shaw
My goal was to improve my relationship with food while maintaining healthy habits. I've been a WAG client three separate times in the past 4 years.
I've been a WAG client three separate times in the past 4 years; each time I've had a different goal and the nutrition coaches have helped me meet those goals every time. The first two times I was with WAG, I wanted to get leaner. In addition to helping me do this, the coaches opened my eyes to how to drop body fat gradually, how to eventually eat proper macros intuitively, and how to sustain those habits for the long term.
The third time I joined WAG, I had completely different goals. I wanted to improve my relationship with food and maintain healthy habits. I hadn't forgotten what WAG taught me the first two times I was a client, however, my life had changed drastically in the last year. I was recovering from a medical condition where I couldn't swallow food for a number of months, was literally starving from lack of calories, and had lost almost 20 pounds. Much of that weight was muscle (lean) mass. For the first time in my life, I was coming to WAG with some hang-ups about food and body image that I was ready to get help with. The conundrum here was that restricting calories made me believe I was starving again, so I worked through those feelings with my coach and eventually saw that weight GAIN was right for me.
When I let go of my old self, and my old goals, I started to see huge improvements in every aspect of my life.
Now, at 41 freaking years old (!), I'm using weights in workouts that were once my 1-rep maxes, and not struggling. I'm actually getting stronger whereas before I thought I was on this long decline to aging and not gaining muscle anymore. FOOD is SO POWERFUL. Just whole food, with an emphasis on protein. Once I let myself step away from restriction and gained a little weight, I started seeing the benefits so quickly. In the last year, I've gained all of the weight back, and most of those pounds gained are lean mass.
Thank you, WAG, for always guiding me in my journey!