Jason Fimbrez


My goal was to lose weight which I have been doing and still working on!


WAG has been an educational and eye-opening experience! Prior to joining WAG, I made the choice to eat healthier and cut out all of the bad foods I was eating. Even though I lost weight by eating healthier foods, I hit a plateau and was trying to figure out what was happening. After months of researching WAG, I pulled the trigger and I am so glad that I did.

With the help of my coach, I took my healthier foods and dialed in the right combination of macronutrients I should be eating to fuel my body during training and non-training days. As a result, I started losing weight again!! I started WAG at 236 pounds in March 2018 and as of November 2018, I weigh in at 207 pounds. The loss in weight hasn't impacted my performance in the gym and I have energy throughout the day. 

My coach has been and continues to be a HUGE support during this journey. She is encouraging, resourceful, and holds me accountable to ensure I stay on the right track. I still have more work to do, but with the knowledge I've gained from WAG and the support I have from my coach, I am confident I will hit my goals without any issues.