Jessica Martinez


fuel my body for performance


I can't say enough positive things about what WAG has done for me. I came from a more regimented nutrition program that I had gotten bored with and a little indifferent about. I love the ease and flexibility that counting macros provides me with. I've learned to enjoy different foods and eating again. I've also learned to have more balance in occasionally fitting in treats as opposed to the random "cheat" day that would leave me feeling guilty and gross. I'm still working on it, but I'm learning to have a better relationship with food in general. Also still a work in progress, but I'm learning to not be caught up or put value, good or bad, in a number on the scale. I've struggled with body image issues for most of my teen and adult life, through WAG and my coach, I'm making progress and letting go of self imposed pressure in this area as well. My coach, Crosby, has been a valuable resource for not only the nutritional aspect, but a sounding board for my frustrations with the scale, training, and whatever other curve balls life has thrown at me. He always keeps it real with me and has an encouraging word to keep me on track and remind me of my goals. I have never felt better training or looked better than I do now. I've also never eaten so much food :) It's only been a few months, so I am looking forward to what we can accomplish working together long term.