⚡ LABOR DAY SALE ⚡ Get 3 Months of WAG Essentials Nutrition Coaching for Only $129/month. Use code LABORDAYGet a Coach ➡️

Katniss Everdeen


Change body composition through fat loss rather than muscle gain


This is so silly for me cause i'm about to sound like those testimonials I would usually read and think that's too good to be true, or that will not work for me. I have struggled with my weight ever since I was a kid. I always had lots of muscles, but I also had a huge pile of fat on top. I would work out more, eat less in hopes of losing the fat, but somehow I would keep getting bigger and bigger. That would then lead to feeling defeated and periods of binge eating. I tried any and every nutritional program known and the same cycle would happen over and over again: diet, gain weight, feel defeated, binge eat, gain more weight, try a new diet. When I saw some testimonials on team WAG, I felt like I could relate to some of them, so I decided to take the plunge. I mean you can do anything for 3 months right? And if it didn't work, at least the fact that you can #eatwhatyouwant would make it easier to accept the failure. Little did I know that WAG would change not only my body, but my relationship with food. It is so liberating to not have to classify foods as good and bad. This has allowed me to eliminate my binge cycles, and the evening I would stack bags of chips, cookies, pizzas and binge eat through TV marathons. In my 15 weeks with WAG I had to travel for about 5 weeks (3 of which were consecutive weeks), was injured for almost 12 weeks which left me doing no workouts other than yoga, attended work functions, social events and even went to a food and wine festival. Through it all, I was able to follow the program without feeling like I was being deprived or unable to enjoy the events because of how adaptable the program is and saw progress through it all. When I signed up for WAG, I also thought that the "you can email your coach 24/7" was a marketing campaign they wouldn't follow through with. Once again, I was wrong! My coach has been so supportive and seems to care about my goals, my struggles and my victories as much as I do. When I started WAG, I meant for it to be a 12 weeks deal, but today I have no intention to stop learning from my coach and this community for as long as possible. Investing in my body, has liberated my mind, and we all deserve to know that feeling. Thanks you Melanie, thank you Adee, and thank you #teamWAG