Lauren A.
From Coach Meghan Flynn:
Lauren has been a client of mine for 6 months now and is the epitome of hard work and dedication. She came into WAG with a goal of leaning out, gaining strength, and improving her relationship with food so she could become a healthier version of herself while also having a busy social life. We have navigated countless trips, events, and unexpected bumps in the road together, but not once did she lose sight of her goals.
What you see in these photos is the result of multiple diet phases - cuts, maintenance, etc. What you also see in these photos is a client who values consistency, honesty, and a willingness to make changes (big or small). Lauren embodies what we are all about at WAG - sustainability and balance. We both have a major sweet tooth, and I can assure you this is a common topic in our check ins!
If you want to reach your nutrition and fitness goals while still enjoying a flexible lifestyle, join team WAG and see what we are all about!