Liz W.
From Coach Jess Holton:
"Liz came to WAG in January of this year wanting to lose some weight and feel more comfortable in her body. She had never tracked her food before; always just tried to eat in moderation and make healthy choices. Which worked well, up until last year. Then things changed (she gained 10lb in a year, and was struggling to figure out why). She knew if she wanted to make a change she had to make a change…which is where WAG came in.
Tracking her macros was a learning curve and took some collaboration in her household (her husband cooks dinner for the family) but she got the hang of it quickly. She has been nailing it ever since! It really isn’t a surprise – as a statistician for a living, data is her thing haha. Between consistency with her diet and consistency in the gym (she does, and coaches, CrossFit) she has seen and felt big results over the past few months. Liz has lost the 10lbs she gained last year (and then some), and has seen some great gains in the gym too. She had her best CrossFit Open finish ever, weighted pull ups are in her wheelhouse now, recovery has improved...good things!
Liz works full time, coaches CrossFit, is a wife and mom…she’s got a lot on her plate. She has MADE the time for her nutrition though – the planning, prepping, logging, and strategizing when she goes out of town or when a special event is on the calendar – and it’s paying off big time! Even if every day/week is not easy, she has committed to doing the thang and has such a great attitude about it all. I’ve loved working with her over the past few months and can’t wait to see where the next few take her!"