Megan Fernandez


To find a sustainable nutrition plan for shift work, improve my digestion, lose weight while maintaining strength and see what my abs looks like for once in my life.


I joined WAG because I hit a point in my life where I felt stuck and hopeless in my own body. I’ve been working predominantly night shifts for the past 4 years and ever since, I have struggled with very inconsistent nutrition. My job in the ICU can take a toll on my emotions, I ate pretty healthy foods but struggled with amounts of foods and day to day consistency. This pattern left me with horrible digestion, labile emotions and low energy for workouts. When I started this program I was at the heaviest I have ever been. I struggled with self confidence not only in the way I looked but I doubted my body's ability to lose weight and maintain my strength. I felt like: ‘ok well now that I am a nurse and am over 30, digestion and metabolism slows and this is my life.’ Wag has given me confidence I’m myself not only physically but has gotten me to a more positive mental relationship with food than I even could have imagined. I dove into this program head first with 100% trust in my coach Kelsey because I needed help. To have someone cheering for you and believing in you each week is one of the best feelings. I feel proud of myself, more than I have felt in a long time. Proud not just for the weight loss but for how much I have learned in regards to myself, macros, nutrition during shift work and how to healthfully deal with emotions during difficult situations. Over the past 11 weeks I have lost 10 pounds, my gymnastics skills have improved and I’ve PRd almost all of my lifts! I can't wait to see where this journey is going to take me.