Nicole W


I wanted to lose approximately 15-20 pounds, fit into a size 6 jeans, and be better at gymnastics movements in CrossFit. I wanted a healthy relationship with food and to stop emotional eating. I also wanted tools to learn how to be consistent. So often I was perfect during the week with my "diet" and then would binge hard during the weekend.

I've lost approximately 20 pounds!


I could write a novel about how much I love WAG. (And Laura, my coach, knows it! She has to read my check-ins.) The physical changes are easy to list. I have lost 20 pounds, I have lost over 5% of my body fat, and I've had many compliments. I also watched my performance in the CrossFit gym grow exponentially. I feel fueled in every single one of my workouts. I can do most workouts Rx now and I got my first muscle up. I've been doing CrossFit for almost 5 years, and it only took four months of WAG to get my first muscle up.

But the mental changes are what will have me staying with WAG for the long haul. First of all, I got paired with the most perfect coach! Laura, who is not only a CrossFitter and a lawyer (like me) in her past life, but she also can relate to every happy and negative experience I'm going through because she has felt the exact same way before. Having someone so relatable and empathetic of my fears and concerns really put me at ease and help guide me to a more logical state of mind.

I was really hung up with how the scale was moving in the beginning. It had to be decreasing every day, or I was unhappy. In a world where "instant gratification" is the norm ("Don't care how I want it now!"), I learned how unrealistic, unfulfilling and unrewarding those expectations are. I'm so much more in tune with my body now. I know why and when my weight will fluctuate (which is normal!) and what triggers my emotional eating.

Lastly, all the accountability and support have really made this journey worthwhile. The Facebook group has motivated me in a way that only you can see for yourself when you join. All the posts of milestones, non-scale wins, moments of falling off the wagon, and frustrations with "stalling" inspire me because I'm not alone in this journey of wins and losses. I have wonderful people to share it with who encourage me when I'm down and are happy for me when I have a win. #TeamWagForLife!