Rachel Dodrill


Get shredded without sacrificing my performance in the gym


I currently weigh 138lbs, I've lost 9lbs, and have gotten down to 13.4% body fat with a lean mass of 119lbs. When I first heard about WAG, I'll admit, I was a little skeptical that I could diet in a way that wasn't overly restrictive in my food choices. Coming from the roller-coaster that paleo had me on (strict, cheat, binge, repeat) WAG was a very liberating experience! I still continue to keep lots of "paleo" things in my life, but don't have to feel bad about myself for wanting (and working in) pizza! I work full time, own a gym with my husband and have a 3 year old little boy so life leaves me with barely a minute to spare... with WAG I can make my body work for me without increasing time in the gym and away from my family. My gym performance is through the roof, I feel awesome, and my body finally reflects the YEARS of hard work I've put in. I've dropped over 3% body fat in my time with WAG without a drop in my lean body mass and that right there is proof that you can change your body without sacrificing performance! Thank you WAG and Hayden Bowe for providing a sustainable program that works just for me!