Robin Pugh


I joined WAG to lose body fat. So far I've lost 9 pounds.


I have battled 8-10 pesky pounds for over a year now, and I’m sure I’ve tried pretty much every fad diet out there. I had gotten to the point where the only way I could lose weight was to eat under 1200 calories per day. I went to bed hungry every night, and I was pretty resigned to the fact that that was going to be how I had to live if I wanted to get the weight to stay off. Of course, that was killing my CrossFit workouts; and it was impossible to maintain. One “normal” day of eating three meals, and I would pack on 2-3 pounds again.

I had a couple of friends from the Box who had done WAG with great results, so I thought I would try it since they clearly had done so well.

I was paired with my coach and immediately I started pushing back on the idea of eating so much. She was exactly what I needed: that confident, calm “voice” to say, I’ve got you. Let ME worry about the scale. You just focus on hitting your macros and see what happens. So I did. There were definitely (and still are) ups and downs with the scale. I would get frustrated when I felt like I was eating well, working out hard, and the scale would go UP, not down. My coach took those opportunities to encourage me and educate me on all the reasons that could be happening. It really was transformational for my thinking. One of my biggest issues has been staying consistent and not self-sabotaging (with a bottomless bowl of chips and queso) if the number on the scale wasn’t going my way. When she gave me some straight talk about how self-sabotage was only going to make me feel worse, it really was a turning point for me.

I could go on and on about what I’ve learned and I’m only 3 months in. All in all, I would say WAG has taught me more in 3 months than I ever expected. I’m really excited about the progress I’ve made. I’m so happy not to go to bed hungry. I feel so incredible in my workouts. I’m making huge gains at CrossFit to the point that some of my friends at the box are coming up to me and saying “What are you doing?! I want to do whatever it is you’re doing!” I’m training for the Berlin Marathon this summer and I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish with WAG nutrition fueling me.

I love this program, and my coach ROCKS!