Russ Monzon
Primarily, my goal was to look and feel better. Consequently, my performance in the gym and other physical endeavors improved a lot.
I made a small difference in weight - approximately 5-7 lbs - but the fat loss is where I found the biggest difference. I’ve had a belly for as long as I can remember, but with Chris’ help, I’ve made the biggest difference to my physique ever!
If you’re looking to make a difference in your overall fitness, wellness, and appearance of your physique, specifically calculated nutrition, consistency, and accountability are, in my opinion, the only way to success. WAG Nutrition coaching gets you there with a great staff, sound advice, and most of all solid support and understanding of your athletic or active lifestyle. Chris’ straightforward, honest, and kind approach to coaching made it feel like I was checking in with a buddy each week. I recommend tracking macros to anyone who asks for advice on weight loss, but specifically, I recommend WAG over all the other programs out there simply on the cost, quality, and simplicity of the program.
It isn’t easy - there’s a lot of planning and discipline involved, but the Seismic app coupled with the MacroFirst app makes it easy to fold into your daily routine. thank you Chris Bossom and Josh Holton for making a difference! Cheers!