Sarah Lengfield


My main goal when I first joined WAG was to gain a better understanding on how to fuel my body for my lifestyle and to also lean out a little bit.

I’ve lost about 5 lbs and 8 inches.


I initially joined WAG to gain a better understanding of how to fuel my body for me and my lifestyle and to lean out a little bit. I love the healthy and balanced approach that WAG stands behind. In the past, I’ve tried drastic measures in terms of nutrition that were not only physically unhealthy but mentally unhealthy as well. As a result, I had a poor relationship with food. I knew that a healthy balance existed but I struggled to reach that on my own and often over-complicated nutrition. I was adamant about finding balance while also reaching my goals so after learning a little bit about WAG and what they believed in I figured I’d give it a try. WOW! Let me tell you, not only have I gained that healthy balance but I feel like I’ve gained so much more. Yes, I’m pleased with the physical changes but I’m honestly most proud of the shift in my mindset.

Since day one my journey with WAG has been so personalized to me. My coach couldn’t have been a more perfect fit for me. She always meets me where I’m at and helps me get where I’m going. The knowledge and tools she has shared with me are incredible. I always look forward to check-ins since it’s so nice to have that accountability and someone to bounce things off of. Not only am I checking in with my coach but it forces me to check in with myself and reflect on how my weeks been. We don’t realize how many things impact us or how many little wins we might actually have had that week. When looking at the big picture or goal those little check-ins are so helpful at keeping things in perspective or helping us gain a better understanding of ourselves.

It’s been such an amazing and fun journey learning to be so in tune with my body. It’s a great feeling to be confident in how I’m fueling my body for my personal goals and lifestyle while also being confident and happy in my own skin.