Taylor A.


From Coach Alex Oskian: 

Taylor took a chance with WAG this year and that leap of faith paid off. She had goals of losing body fat while also improving how she felt in her skin. And I was like “say less!” I knew exactly what we could change and implement in order to do just that.

The amazing thing about Taylor’s journey is that she had very little food macro tracking experience prior to starting; some may say none at all! What she did have was a growth mindset and a support system at home. And that is really all that was needed! We increased her protein, changed a few habits that helped reduce total calories, and even modified her workouts just slightly. Add in a little time, monthly video coaching calls, and a little hard work into that recipe and BOOM! We have been able to chip away at her goals. The first being that she is feeling way more comfortable in her clothes and the second goal that has been achieved is reducing her visceral fat to almost nothing! She is starting to notice muscle definition, too!

We will continue to work on reducing body fat while increasing muscle mass as time goes on. Taylor is a great example of how you don’t need to know much about nutrition or macro counting before starting with WAG. As long as you have a growth mindset, your coach is there to help you learn and knock out goals. I have loved working with Taylor and getting to know her as well! Can’t wait to see what is next!