Trista Long


My goal when I started WAG was to lean out, become more efficient in my gymnastics movements and to develop a solid plan to stay on track with my eating.


I really can't say enough great things about this program. Any time you consider spending money on a program, you can easily talk yourself out of it or justify that it could be spent somewhere else. Once I decided that I NEEDED help with my nutrition and that I was INVESTING that money into my health and my future, it was an easy choice. And honestly, one that I wish I would have made sooner. This has taken the stress out of my life. I was trying to figure out my macros before and my weight kept fluctuating. I followed templates prior to starting WAG and a lot of the times I was left feeling hungry. My coach made a customized macro plan for me based around my activities. She gave me goals to hit and tips on how to achieve those goals. Since this is flexible dieting, when I did decide to have a few beers on special occasions, she offered her thoughts to NOT let it ruin my progress. My check ins with Hilary are my favorite time of the week. I love sending her my progress and I love having someone checking in on what I'm doing. If I didn't have someone to check in with, I KNOW that I would have had difficulty staying compliant. Although, this is something that is significantly improving the longer I have been on the program! Mindful eating is a skill that I picked up as I started this program. There are situations where you can't track or you just want to have a day without tracking, and WAG has taught me how to estimate what I'm eating and be mindful of what I'm putting into my body. Since starting WAG, my strength has stayed consistent and my gymnastics skills have significantly improved. I feel better during workouts, I'm hitting my weight loss goals and I'm not starving myself to get those results.