
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or bulk up, we’ve got success stories for every goal.

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WAG Client Testimonials

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Michelle Means

WAG is tailored for me, to suit my unique lifestyle. I have a much healthier relationship with food, and even came to the realization that food was recreational as well as an emotional crutch for m...

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Tanna Payne

The program has been great. I got to a point where I felt stuck, I just didn't have the time or the patience to figure out my own diet anymore. My life had changed significantly over the past coupl...

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Mandi Warner

I have definitely enjoyed my time with WAG thus far. I have always said, “If I can just get my eating in check, I could be a much better person and athlete.” I’ve done multiple things to try and ge...

Justin Holt View Testimonial

Justin Holt

The WAG program is a truly flexible program. WAG approaches it's nutritional programs exactly the way they approach it's clients; individualistically.

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The improvement in my performance (CrossFit) and my overall physical changes have been amazing. But it's really my 180 degree change in confidence, self-love and over-all general health that I am i...

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Sterling Archer

I started trying to count MACROs on my own, but I was not getting the results I wanted. After joining Team WAG, I quickly realized that my numbers were way off and not beneficial to my goals. My...

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Kirrily Dearing

I figure that if I can do this, anyone can - I truly believe that this is a sustainable plan. Will I have moments where I go over my daily amount and have a few breakouts? I don’t doubt it. But I k...

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Lana Kane

I started WAG hoping to lean out without losing muscle mass. The program has done that and so much more for me. When I began the program, I has been following a Paleo-ish diet during the week, wi...

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Krista Wilmoth

You may want the abs, and you will undoubtedly get them through hard work and commitment; but, in the end, this 26 week journey showed me so much more. What this team is building here is nothing sh...

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I want to be a good role model for my two girls and to me, part of this means living a healthy, active lifestyle, using food as fuel rather than a reward, and being able to treat myself without bei...

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Justine Cheyne

WAG has changed the way I look at food. In such a short time I feel I have learned so much about what my body actually needs to function as well as work hard in the gym. Weighing and measuring my f...

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Alex Bergin

I absolutely love WAG. Before WAG, I was eating somewhat paleo while being macro conscious to some extent. My diet consisted of a lot of healthy foods, but just in the wrong amounts. That is what I...

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Laura Lee Gilliland

I can't say enough about WAG and my fabulous coach (Taylor). The number of people I have referred (and have since joined) says a lot, but after years of trying to figure out the secret to looking a...

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Michael Riordan

It works!!! If you want to lose weight and you are motivated to do it whatever your reason, this will do it!! In a healthy way!

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Jenn Clata

My only regret is that I didn't start sooner. The results, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally have been irreplaceable. My coach, Ivette has been a huge influence on my progress.