
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or bulk up, we’ve got success stories for every goal.

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WAG Client Testimonials

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Meg Laurent

This program was exactly what I needed. I am a registered dietitian so I know WHAT to do it's just DOING IT! So the fact that Kate held me accountable week after week was exactly what I needed....

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Beth Wanger

One of the best things about WAG is the community that they have built within social media. I have turned to the Facebook group many times for some added motivation and accountability. I never felt...

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I was amazed with the accuracy of the macros I was given by Coach Kelsie. My body started responding to them immediately! Through this process I learned so much about food and how eat to fuel my wo...

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I cannot begin to say what a positive impact WAG has made on my life... my coach gave me the tools I needed to succeed and was always there when I had an obstacle to overcome (hello wedding season!)

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Nikki Harvey

I joined Working Against Gravity in May of 2016, approximately 20 months after having a baby. I had always been athletic and lifted weights my entire pregnancy, but coming back after having a baby...

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Brad Giglio

It is great to know that the people who are working with you care and want to help you no matter how far away you may be. WAG and all the wonderful and amazing people who coach and are apart of the...

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Tracey C

Flexible dieting/Macro Counting isn’t for everyone. In the beginning it is hard work…but just like in the gym…eventually that hard work pays off.

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Derrek Holtsberry

The program is great. By working with a coach you are held accountable in a way that while you have the help and resources needed to meet your goals you are also forced to ensure that you put forwa...

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Rachel Randall

WAG has given me the knowledge that I need to make a lifestyle out of flex dieting. I love that I have the ability to set goals and change my macros accordingly.

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Kyle Price

When I started I knew there was something that I was missing when it came to tracking and counting macros but I wasn't sure what. I wasn't getting the results that I was hoping for on my own even t...

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Maggie Wile

I have been thoroughly enjoying my experience with WAG. I'll be honest, my first check-in with my coach went something like, "I've made a horrible mistake, and this program isn't for me. I can't...

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Brittani Clayton

My story is similar to others, I used to be a long distance runner and lived for half marathons, and then I found Crossfit and started to balance the two. I gained a lot of muscle and drank the Cro...

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This is a program I would encourage anyone to do because I truly believe that you can reach your body goals healthily, physically and mentally, doing this program.

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Jessica Holton

I have always considered myself to be a "healthy" person - I eat relatively cleanly, exercise regularly, and make sure I get a good amount sleep. That being said, I started to get really frustrated...

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Jenn Wiles

WAG worked when nothing else did. I was finally fed up with trying to lost the baby weight on my own. My baby was 15 months old and I was still 20 lbs over my pre-baby weight. Nothing was workin...