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Working Against Gravity Reviews

Reviews from former and current Working Against Gravity clients.

  1. Sherri E. Avatar
    Sherri E.

    I can't say enough good things about working with WAG. I've struggled for years with my weight - safe to say, not a mouthful has passed since my teen years that didn't cause me to worry about putting on pounds. I pride myself on being an active healthy person with a well rounded lifestyle. I knew enough about nutrition that programs like weight watchers didn't work - it wasn't a big enough change to make any difference. I worked with a nutritionist who put me on such a low calorie diet that I was hungry and grumpy - grumpier because I didn't want to make a life out of low fat, sugar free "diet" hacks, and even grumpier because I didn't lose any weight. When I started working with Brittany, I realized that I was actually afraid of eating more food. She gave me a healthy set of macros; I can eat all my favorite familiar foods and I've never been hungry. I've had more energy and WAG is absolutely sustainable. There is a little bit of a learning curve, and then it becomes second nature. I lost 30 pounds and so far, have kept it off. If you're hesitant, let me assure you - it's doable! If I can do it, you can do it. Brittany has been so supportive, understanding, and encouraging. Highly recommend!!

  2. Steven Horton Avatar
    Steven Horton

    The guidance and accountability my coach gives is the reason I stay with WAG. This is not a diet plan but a journey of learning. I am glad I joined WAG and very thankful for Amy!

  3. Tali Zabari Avatar
    Tali Zabari

    WAG had become a given in my life. I've been lucky enough to have been a client since 2015, and since I have learned to take pride in my body, competed nationally in weightlifting in a competitive weight class, and learned skills to overcome the multi-generational legacy of dysfunctional eating in my family. I've seen myself *change* as a person in this program, over and over. I've had the pleasure of working with multiple coaches who have allowed to me examine my behaviors, and chase my dreams through the very nonlinear journey that changing your body can be with trust, safety, and support. Through this work, I've become inspired to help others with their own nutrition journeys, and THAT is the sign of a service I believe in! It must be shared! Thank you for all the #wagwins!

  4. Mindi White Avatar
    Mindi White

    Starting my journey with WAG was one of the best things I did for my overall health and how I personally view myself. I have had three different coaches since I started that were out of my control. However, each coach made a positive impact on my personal life and my eating habits. I would recommend WAG to anyone and everyone regardless of their goals. Although my reasons for joining are not the same as others. I honestly believe that everyone can benefit from WAGS 1:1 coaching and support. This program has changed my life and I am forever grateful.

  5. Alejandra Salmeron Avatar
    Alejandra Salmeron

    WAG has definitely contributed to my weightless journey for a year and a half already! I have lost a total of 30 pounds and even though my journey does not end there, I know that I'm in good hands with WAG. As a weightlifter as well, I had to take some time to maintain my strength, while at a new body weight.

  6. Olivia Nixon Avatar
    Olivia Nixon

    10/10 recommend WAG! I have been working with my WAG coach for about 7 months and I am so happy with my progress! Yes, I am seeing progress on the scale but more importantly I have made major gains mentally regarding my nutrition. I have learned what my body responds well and poorly to and I have learned how to feel good about my choices. Learning how to count macros and hit my macro goals has helped me see how I can live lifelong and make choices that are right for my goals or partake in indulgences when I want. Thanks to WAG for 7 months of progress!

  7. Ty Miller Avatar
    Ty Miller

    Having my WAG Coach has been the biggest game changer. They have helped me learn a lot about nutrition and how my body responds but the biggest help has been the boost in confidence that I really can achieve my goals and make lasting progress. Could not have made it this far without their help!

  8. Beau Avatar

    I’ve only been working with my coach for a month, but don’t regret a second of my decision to reach out. I get the support I need and have learned a lot about my own food habits already. Can’t wait to keep going!

  9. Danielle Broadhurst Avatar
    Danielle Broadhurst

    The only thing that works for me is counting macros and being accountable to my coach. Great practical advise that works, starting to see results will definitely stick with WAG to reach my goals.

  10. Amy Johnson Avatar
    Amy Johnson

    Working with WAG has been just what I needed to finally improve my relationship with food to live a healthier lifestyle with a good amount of balance. Working against gravity has helped me to see how many ways there are to measure progress. I no longer go all in/all out and that has changed so many aspects of my life. When looking for a program to help me get the results I wanted I initially wanted someone else to do that hard work and tell me what I should be eating. As much as the ease of a meal plan sounds appealing, I know for me that’s not realistic; there are too many foods I don’t find enjoyable. I needed a program that could teach me the ins and outs so I could create my own meals that fit my preferences and still help me to meet my goals. I found that in this program! I do have to say, I was originally quite hesitant to sign up for coaching due to the requirement to commit to three months but those three months were definitely worth it. I would have quit at 6 weeks had I not committed to the three months. 9 months later I’m just shy of a 50# weight loss and have gained so many skills with health and nutrition. I could probably lose the rest to get to my goal weight on my own but I enjoy the accountability and the opportunities to ask questions and learn just a little bit more.

  11. Sharon Robinson Avatar
    Sharon Robinson

    I've used WAG on and off for a few years. I'm currently matched with a coach that fits me so well I will stay indefinitely. The accountability is everything to me regardless of my goals. I love the daily logging and I always look forward to my check ins and the amazing nuggets of knowledge even though I am a Sports nutritionist and Master trainer myself. I can't recommend this service enough. It's worth every penny but also excellent value. Thank you for everything.

  12. Jennifer Avatar

    I have really enjoyed working with Mitch. He makes me feel supported, but not judged. He encourages in a way that makes me want to try harder to hit the macro targets. I feel like he is genuinely celebrating with me as I lose weight! I am excited to see where this journey takes me!

  13. Erika Crenshaw Avatar
    Erika Crenshaw

    What I love about my coach is that not only is she guiding me on my journey to reach my goals- it feels like she is doing it WITH me. She supports me and gives excellent golden nuggets of information.

  14. Marissa Low Avatar
    Marissa Low

    I've just started the program, and my coach Taylor has been super welcoming! She doesn't hesitate to share information and is very patient with answering all my questions. I am trusting and loving the process!

  15. Ashley Morrisey Avatar
    Ashley Morrisey

    I have been really impressed with WAG! I started with the crash course and decided to sign up for coaching a couple months later. The encouragement from my coach as well as her understanding have been great to have on my side as I learn and develop my new routines and relationship with food. Highly recommend for anyone struggling with nailing down their nutrition!

  16. Crissy Brooks Avatar
    Crissy Brooks

    Having accountability is a game changer. My coach is very supportive and there when I need her. I have learned so much about how much I should be eating and am so happy that I decided to get a coach with WAG.

  17. Heidi Mendez   Avatar
    Heidi Mendez

    WAG coaching has helped me become aware of exactly what I am putting in body and how to make adjustments to meet my goals. It isn’t super restrictive, and allows you to pick your own foods. Becoming aware that I wasn’t taking in enough protein was super helpful, and by focusing on that I’ve been able to reach my goals and maintain. Working with Amy has been a great investment and I feel confident in my nutrition. Having that accountability and guidance really makes a difference. I am so grateful for WAG to help me meet my health and fitness goals.

  18. Philip Avatar

    Setup was a breeze. My coach is no bs but also kind and understanding.

  19. Izabela Hutcheson  Avatar
    Izabela Hutcheson

    This is my 2nd time coming back to this program. I live working with my coach to reach my goals and make myself accountable. I dont feel judged when I slip up since life is full of unpredictability. WAG is full of encouragement.

  20. Jess Nelson Avatar
    Jess Nelson

    I've been very happy with my WAG journey so far. My coach always responds within a day of me messaging him, and I've learned a great deal from him. My only constructive critique would be to have the coaches be more pro-active in monitoring and communicating with clients, instead of just waiting for the client to make contact.

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