The crackle of the fireplace, the lazy mornings in slippers, the clanks of glasses saying, “cheers!”…
The holidays bring so much happiness.
Unfortunately, they can also stir up quite a bit of anxiety and temptation when it comes to nutrition and heading into the new year confident in your skin.
That’s why we have created the WAG Holiday Nutrition Guide—to help you have a fantastic season while still staying healthy.

Completely updated for the 2023 season, the Holiday Nutrition Guide includes
- Over a dozen delicious, healthy holiday recipes
- Mindful tips and perspectives for approaching your nutrition during the social season
- What to focus on and when to be flexible with your nutrition
- Practical tips from WAG Coaches so you can eat your holiday cookies and have them too
- No equipment is needed for travel workouts
- A gift from WAG (hint hint: Get $50 off your first month with a 1-on-1 coach!
At Working Against Gravity, we believe in balance.
You don’t have to eat every holiday cookie to have a good time. And on the same note, you don’t have to eat broccoli the entire time to stay healthy. There is an in-between, and our guide will help you find it.
Whether you skim it or study the WAG Holiday Nutrition Guide, we hope it helps you enjoy your holidays with the confidence that you’re in control of your health.
Before your next party, open up the guide as a reminder of the choices you want to make—and maybe try a recipe or two you’ll want to bring to your next party.