Starting a new diet? It is tempting to go from zero to one hundred, change all your habits at once, and dive in headfirst to make progress ASAP. But did you know that going too hard too quickly is one of the main reasons people burn out and give up? 

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It may seem silly, but starting slow is the key to success. We would know… WAG coaches have helped over 30,000 people reach their goals, and it almost always starts with a few simple steps.


Tips for Starting a New Diet

Here are five quick and easy things to do if you recently started a new diet.


1. Invest in a Food Scale and Tracking App

Intake awareness is the most important factor in making meaningful changes to your diet. A food scale and a macro tracking app help you measure what you eat and monitor your overall daily intake. 

If you are wondering how much you need to eat or need support learning to weigh and measure your food, learn more about ongoing 1-on-1 WAG Nutrition Coaching here. You can also schedule a one-time nutrition consultation with one of our coaches.


2. Do a Kitchen Cleanse 

Make the healthy choice the easy choice, and remove tempting foods that don’t support your goals from your house (look at you, junk food and desserts!). Donate nonperishable goods, bring snacks to work, and compost as needed. 

If you have kids and can’t chuck the Goldfish, put their snacks on a “kids only” shelf and set a goal to stick to your own sections of the pantry or refrigerator. The more you can remove unhealthy options from your line of sight, the less tempting they’ll be.

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3. Hit the Grocery Store

Once your kitchen is cleansed, it's time to refill the fridge and pantry with healthy options. Fruits, veggies, and protein sources are great places to start. From there, grab for starchier carb sources like brown rice, oats, quinoa, and whole grains. We recommend including plenty of single-source macro foods to help you reach your goals in a pinch.

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4. Bulk Prep at Least Two Protein Sources

Now it’s time to prep! Protein is the trickiest thing to get on the go, as it usually requires some kind of cooking. Bulk prep a few protein sources you can use throughout your week—throw them on top of a salad or add a veggie and starch for dinner. 

Try our viral Crockpot Crack Chicken or Air Fried Chicken Thighs. If you’re not into chicken, you can bulk-cook beef, turkey, or seafood using a crockpot, instant pot, grill, or oven. Check out this article for protein inspiration if you prefer a vegan or vegetarian diet.


5. Pick an Easy Meal to Repeat All Week

Repeating meals helps speed up the prepping, planning, and cooking process. Keeping one meal relatively similar from day to day keeps things simple, and simple is the key to success—especially in today’s busy world and when you’re learning something new. If you eat dinner with your family every night, we recommend choosing breakfast or lunch to repeat, as these tend to be less family-centered. 

If you prefer more variety, learn more about WAG Meal Plans here. Take a quick quiz to get your macros and over 100 breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas to help you hit them daily!

Beginning something new can be tricky. So, start slow and focus on adding or adjusting one habit at a time. Over time, you’ll notice huge changes in your routine and your health. If you need support, WAG is here for you!