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Changing Your Game: Mental Toughness

One of the best ways of knowing how mentally tough you are is assessing how you react to difficult situations. It takes some serious mental toughness to be able to handle pain, suffering and discomfort in a logical and rational way.

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Mindfulness in Our Everyday

With work and school days getting longer, and the everyday pace of society getting faster, stress and anxiety levels are on a rapid incline. This consequently has a dramatic impact on our overall health, mood, energy and happiness.

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Cocktail Party Survival

Although alcohol has no nutritional value and we recommend limiting its intake, we admit that there are occasions where a “cheers!” is in order.

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Download: Mindfulness Backgrounds

There are so many forms of mediation, but can it really help with progress?!?!?!? When it comes to learning to mindfully eat and listen to our hunger cues, the ability to be present while eating is essential.

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Meditation Made Easy

In recent years the benefits of exercise and nutrition have become common knowledge and are widely accepted as truth. It’s only a matter of time before the positive impacts of meditation sit alongside them as a staple for a balanced lifestyle.

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Creating Habits for Success

When we consistently repeat a task or behavior, it becomes a habit. Establishing strong habits helps us to rely less on our will power and self control in times of temptation and stress.

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6 Reasons and Solutions for Bloating

After crushing it at the gym and hitting your macros perfectly all week long, you look in the mirror and feel, well, bloated and uncomfortable. Everything you do has an effect on your body. Take a look at the possible causes of bloating and “fluffiness.”

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Dieting & That Time of the Month

It’s no secret that your monthly cycle can sometimes throw you a surprise or two. Although each woman has their own unique experience, there are a few common struggles that we wanted to share our take on.