Working Through an Injury
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Working Through an Injury

You spend a majority of your time in the gym pushing your body and testing its limits. Eventually you will find that limit and your body will fight back. What differentiates a player from a champion is how you deal with injuries.

Managing Eating With Those Who Do Not Track Their Food
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Managing Eating With Those Who Do Not Track Their Food

We’ve all been there. Someone who doesn’t follow flexible dieting questions your motive, your perseverance and you’re determination to follow the program. So what is the best approach to interacting with those who are not on the same journey as you?

How to Stick to Your Macros When Eating At Restaurants
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How to Stick to Your Macros When Eating At Restaurants

We have all been there. You’re doing really well with your macros and making some serious progress… but then it happens. A friend or family member asks us to go out for a special occasion; a birthday, anniversary, or work party.