Measure Progress Without the Scale
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How to Measure Progress Without the Scale

The scale is only one measure of progress. There are many alternative ways to measure progress that do not involve your weight. In fact, focusing on more than one method to measure your progress can be very helpful in assessing your progress accurately. After all, the more puzzle pieces you have, the easier it is to put the whole picture together, right?

Optimize Nutrition Timing for Your Workout Routine
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How to Optimize Nutrition Timing for Your Workout Routine

Nutrition timing can take an experienced tracker and athlete from really good to great. On the flip side, it can be the thing that takes a newer tracker and athlete from being consistent and excited about their journey to being massively confused. But what is nutrition timing, and how can it help you achieve your performance or aesthetic goals?

Tips for Starting a New Diet
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5 Quick Things to Do If You Started a New Diet This Week

Starting a new diet? It is tempting to go from zero to one hundred, change all your habits at once, and dive in headfirst to make progress ASAP. But did you know that going too hard too quickly is one of the main reasons people burn out and give up?

Mindful Eating
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Does Mindful Eating Actually Work?

In a world that often moves at a frantic pace, where fast food is the norm and eating on the go is more convenient, the concept of mindful eating might seem woo-woo at best and impossible at worst.

What it Takes to Get Lean
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What it Takes to Get Lean

Wondering what it takes to get lean? The leaner you get, the more challenging it becomes to get even leaner. Today, we’re going to outline the changes you will likely need to get you from where you currently are to where you want to end up.