We are so proud of the accomplishments many of our members in our #teamWAG community made during the CrossFit Open.
Many people get into CrossFit because of their weight loss goals. This begs the question, what are the best CrossFit workouts for weight loss? Are some workout styles more effective in fat burning than others? What about strength building and losing fat at the same time?
The CrossFit Open is an exciting time whether you’re new to the game or have been at it for a while. At WAG Nutrition, we’ve coached hundreds of clients through one of the most popular CrossFit community events so naturally, we have some advice to give.
Have you ever finished a workout during the CrossFit Open and received a score short of what you were hoping for? Have you ever felt the need to redo a workout right away because you thought you could have done better?
In this episode of Q&A with Adee Cazayoux, founder of Working Against Gravity, Adee answers questions about nutrition and recovery that can help during the CrossFit Open!