Jordan Bailey


I live in Perth Australia and it gets extremely hot during summer so I wanted to be comfortable taking my shirt off in the gym. I also wanted to improve my gymnastics as they were my biggest weakness at the time. I have lost 13 kg so far.


My coach and Working Against Gravity have changed my life.

5 months ago I had no expectations as an athlete. My weight loss has improved my fitness so much that I improved over 30,000 places in the open and as a result, I am now competing on the Injustice Crew CrossFit team at the Down Under CrossFit Championships.

With my coach's help and the extensive content provided, I’ve learned the basics of nutrition and have found what works for me. I’ve not been told once not to eat anything. Honestly, with the right guidance and some motivation, it’s not hard at all to get results.

Thanks again coach, you are the MAN!