Melissa Sm.


“Melissa stated on her WAG questionnaire that she wanted two things: to lose 20# and to be able to do 10 strict pull-ups. Well, guess what she has accomplished? Both!! Melissa has put her head down and worked very hard since day one. She has results to show from it! 

Now, the last 7 months have not been the easiest. Melissa is a military wife and a mom of two young boys. We both know that neither one of those roles is ever easy. Let alone trying to balance both. Melissa has focused on carving out time for her needs by fueling her body well and working out 4-5 times weekly. Who’s to say that Moms can't be fit, too? Melissa is making it happen; that is for sure. 

She shows me weekly that anything is possible when you prioritize it- no matter the circumstances, schedule, or limited time! I have enjoyed working with Melissa to reach these milestones, and we will keep knocking out milestones!”  - Coach Alex