Sarah Boothby


Weight loss, muscle toning and understanding how to properly fuel my body.


WAG is an incredible program that has completely transformed my world! I initially started after coming off of an overindulgent honeymoon, feeling as if I needed to shed weight and get back on track. I had heard positive reviews about WAG and decided to give it a go. Little did I know, it would blow my expectations out of the water! Not only did I lose all of the weight I hoped to and more, but have continued to learn so much about myself along the way! In the past, I have tried and failed at diets, worked to physically out train my sweet tooth, suffered from nagging injuries as a result of this overtraining, and berated myself with guilt all throughout. Since joining WAG, and working with my AMAZING coach, Alexa, my thinking has completely shifted.

I have learned a ton about my relationship with food, how to fuel my body appropriately, allow myself grace when I slip up while focusing on celebrating the small and big victories along the way. Most all of, I have learned to truly love my body for the gift that it is. Thank you for the constant encouragement and empowerment WAG, you have been and continue to be a game changer for me!

I have lost 16 lbs in 5 months with WAG!