How to Set Up a Health Challenge to Get Clients
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How to Set Up a Health Challenge to Get Clients

The most common worry we hear from prospective nutrition coaches is that they lack confidence in their ability to get clients. Today I am going to write about one of the new strategies we’ve used at WAG to get new clients: hosting a challenge!

17 Macro Tracking Tips
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17 Macro Tracking Tips

Whether you prefer flexible dieting, keto, paleo, plant-based or another style of eating, counting macronutrients (macros) is an excellent tool to assess the proper ratio of fats, carbs and protein your body needs to reach your specific goals.

Quarantine Kitchen Makeover
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Quarantine Kitchen Makeover

In today’s blog, we’re talking about why focusing on the optimal food environment will help you achieve your nutrition and fitness goals – even while stuck at home!

What's Giving You Strength During COVID-19?
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What’s Giving You Strength During COVID-19?

It isn’t news to anyone that we’re living in stressful, uncertain times with COVID-19. But what has been giving us strength? We asked Working Against Gravity members these questions, and you’ll discover their top responses below.

Thank You to All Healthcare Workers During COVID-19!
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Thank You to All Healthcare Workers During COVID-19!

It isn’t news to anyone that we’re living in a global pandemic. And healthcare workers worldwide are on the front lines of this battle against the coronavirus. But all of us at WAG felt that these healthcare workers deserve a bit of special recognition.

Survivor's Guilt
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Survivor's Guilt

Guilt can impact us in one of two ways. First, it can immobilize us. Guilt can bring down our spirits and spiral us into negativity. We may even self-sabotage to escape it. On the other hand, guilt can push us into taking positive action.

How to Find (and Keep!) Clients as a Nutrition Coach
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How to Find (and Keep!) Clients as a Nutrition Coach

Online nutrition coaching is a relatively new field so I can understand why they (and maybe you too) feel a little skeptical and unsure about whether it’s possible to find success in it. Well, I am here to tell you that success is possible.