How Often Should I Hit My Macros
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How Often Should I Hit My Macros to Lose Weight?

If you’re wondering how “perfect” you need to be with your macros to see progress, you’re asking a question as old as macro tracking. So, not that old (for reference, WAG was founded in 2014, and we were one of the first in the macro-tracking and coaching game!)… but it’s definitely still a common question.

3 Quick Tips to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle
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3 Quick Tips to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

Losing fat and gaining lean muscle is one of the most common goals we hear from Working Against Gravity members. It is also nuanced and unique to each person—your current body composition, goals, exercise routine, and more play into your body’s ability to drop fat and put on muscle.  That being said, there are a few tips that almost everyone can use to start working towards that goal.

Coach Spotlight Tara Roberts
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Coach Spotlight: Tara Roberts

As a nutrition coach, Tara hopes to help all her clients gain control of their nutrition—not just in the moment, but for their lifetime, which aligns with her mantra: “Live your best life.”