Apps That Turn Fitness Into Fun
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Apps That Turn Fitness Into Fun

Gamification is the process of turning a task or activity into a game. Educators gamify lessons and skills to motivate students. Our brains like to solve puzzles and work for rewards, whether that reward is tangible or not.

Navigating BBQs the Keto Way
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Navigating BBQs the Keto Way

Summertime and the livin is easy! We want to keep your nutrition that way too! If you’re looking for a way to tackle keepin’ it keto while you’re kicking back by the grill, we’ve got you covered.

Make Friends With the Scale
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Make Friends With the Scale

For a solid two weeks, you followed your new nutrition and workout regime to a “T.” But you step on the scale and feel defeated—the number is the same as it was two weeks ago. What went wrong? Why isn’t the plan working?

Macro Friendly Shopping at Whole Foods
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Macro Friendly Shopping at Whole Foods

Whole Foods is an easy go-to for organic and nutrient-rich foods, but that doesn’t always mean macro friendly. Here are a few balanced choices to fit your dietary needs, whatever they may be!

The Ketogenic Diet: 90-Day Keto Experiment
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The Ketogenic Diet: 90-Day Keto Experiment

Adee and Michael Cazayoux have always strived to walk the talk, especially when it comes to their nutrition — so to increase their knowledge on the ketogenic diet before the WAG Keto Coaching Program launched, the duo went keto for three months.